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    83 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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    Well starting off, it was very very fruityloopish, which pulls down origionality no end, but this dosnt really matter as much as it would for most people on the AP, because you blatently know how to use it properly.

    Yes, despite the fact that fruityloops in the program of noobs IMHO, there is the odd artist who puts it to good use.

    Maybe you could of started in a little slower, it felt like it needed some ambience or strings for effect, the way to good trancy/techno is integration of 'vanilla' instruments and sounds, as it gives the listener a reference point to what 'normal' music sounds like.

    The build up worked really well, though i felt you could of held it at the thickest point slightly longer. A lot of progressive trance holds the song for anything around 2 mins at the thickest section with a short, much thinner, section between in a differnt style.

    As always with fruityloops and pretty much all music software, the clarity was supreme, and the instruments were undistorted.

    RyeGuyHead responds:

    Maybe you could review one of my songs that didnt suck


    Well for a start, i can tell you didnt actually play this on a piano. The soundfont is too basic, and the difference between the velocity is too exact, and many of the cadences played are impossible to finger on a piano. Ever seen a guy streach 2 octaves?

    More importantly, i can tell you didnt even record these, only convert them. Especialy listning to your jarassic park theme, i have the exact same midi lying on my desktop.

    Now even though this isnt you work, i understand its hard to convert midi files, and i'm even expecting people to use it, so even though it dosnt deserve to be on the audio portal, this kind of stuff needs to be done.

    afliXion responds:

    Of course its not me playing the piano. I never said it was! This is impossible to play. So is most of my other piano stuff I submit. The point wasn't to make it playable, just to make it sound good on a piano. However I do have playable versions that I play in real life.
    Next your are completely wrong about me just converting them. What I did was listen to a midi file of the song that I got from http://www.moviethemes.org/movie.html.
    Those midi files are not piano parts, they are the whole orchestra. What I do is listen to the parts, and harmonize them on the piano. I sure as hell don't just convert it.
    It is hard work and I say it does deserve to be on the portal.



    Upgrade from crappy old fruity loops to midi keyboard, Reason 3.0, mixing deck and audigy 2.

    Gooch responds:

    You know, some constructive criticism on the song would've been nice instead of telling me which programs to use and not use.


    Get some REAL software, and some knowledge of 'tone' and 'tune' would be good. This wasnt even mildly serialistic.

    leifh responds:

    Haha all of the easybeat ones I uploaded were from before I took the class.


    Terrible. Absolute rubbish. Bin it.

    Right thats the title sorted, now onto the music.

    PERFECT. Ok lets look at this one bit at a time. sweet synth sounds, perfect balence of drums to bass, vocals were a little quiet even if they were only intended for ambience. Hihat was a little.. picky but it gets balenced out ok by the synth:drums ratio (somthing around 1.5:1 which is good.. i think) Lots of varied sounds in this one, and i listened to it a good 4 times before i even noticed it was looping. Maybe put the track volume up a bit, seemed a little bit low on the O-scope to me, but that can be made up for with my lovely amplifying powers. Good ol' audigy 2. never let me down yet. Possible uses involve some kind of game background music, fight scene in a high quality fight movie, and millions of possible uses for people who havnt learnt how to use more than one layer in flash yet. Damn man. make more.

    Oh yes, and just because my audio gets completely overlooked after 6 and a half hours on each track, go check it out ;)

    Rucklo responds:

    Well, I can only dream of getting reviews like this all the time. I see clearly what you feel about the song, and respect your opinion in every way!

    The title, yes, it IS cheesy, but thought through. The "cooontaaact!" scene in predator is just so fucking awsome, and the warcry is a highly used and "internal joke" allmost, amongst some of my friends. That explains the title :D

    Hihat is a little too picky and high compared with the other instruments (actually, its a drumsample I made a while ago, there´s some other sounds too than only the hihat, dont remember what though :)...
    Making things loop fine with reason is pice of cake, it can be done better that this. Good thing u didnt notice at once though.
    In my opinion, there should be more background soundeffects like perhaps sirens, "blam" sounds or whatver u might hear randomly in a war/fightscene.
    This song isn´t 100%done, there is just lots of work with the eq that I wanted to try out. Ithink I got it a lil wrong, but learned of my mistake (i gave every instrument a boost of a specific "unique" fq). It came out kinda cool if u know what ure looking for, but i should have done te other way around, i suppose. I´ll try that in my next song :D
    I hope some more people will check this song out and use it in ther flash-fighting scenes. Anyone who reads this and wanna use this in their song; the song can be altered and packed by request! (of course, since i never really had any requests of that before ;)

    I thank you Khuskan for a honest and well written review, I´m gonna check ur songs out as soon as I get time :D
    And don´t worry, this aint the last u´ve heard of me yet :D


    Well, the reason its playing pointlessly fast is the fact that your bitrate is slower than flash is made to handel, so it sets it as default in newgrounds ingenious player. You get the same problem with higher bitrates than flash can handel, but it plays slower as opposed to faster.

    notorious responds:

    ok but i dont know how to make the bitrate higher. its too bad u cant respond or u might be able to give me an answer.


    Tis I again :)

    You put the accent on the wrong note in the main phrase but i'll forgive you for that, but its an easy mistake to make.

    Again your bassy chords are a little bit too low down for the piano, in a song like this it tends to sound better if it has a higher more delecate sound, reserving the lower half for the more dramatic parts of the song, like when the strings section kicks in. Ah yes, the strings. They sound slightly cheesy but again theres not much you can do about this, not entirely sure how you went about mixing them in, whether a seporate recording or if you somhow (and quite amazingly) played two keyboards at once, or have once... with 4 hands... or you just have a nice piano sample on your midi set, most likely mirroring it through a normal keyboard back into midi in.. ahh i used to do that. those were the days. Now i have audigy 2 :D.

    Definatly keep at it, and make sure you check out my audio too, you might just like it ;)

    I need to do a zelda track somtime, yet my ideas are currently thin. Prehaps at the weekend...

    OsseDragon responds:

    w00t. CRITIQUE! :D I love critique..*reads* accent..on..the..wrong note. *takes note of that* um.. though I'm not entirely sure what you mean.. perhaps you can clearify? :D yea I know I'm pretty stupid when it comes to musical terms.. anyway! yea I guess the strings sound kinda cheesy.. and.. yea thats a serperate recording lol.. can't say I have four hands or 2 piano's for that sake.. :D but everything thats played is played actually on that thing so that I can at least but a "bit" of feeling innit for as far as possible that is with MIDI..*rambling away again*

    well I'm still working onnit..hoping..to..improve it in any way.. cos that tune is just prettey. :D yea. *bangs on* AND YEA THE MORE ZELDA THE MORE JOY! WOO! *celebrates, throws confetti* teh. *goes to make breakfast or somethin*

    F of the WT

    For gods sake man, TURN YOUR GAIN DOWN. Seriously, no pitch is audiable at all, and thats definitaly not the point of music, not even heavy metal, though i credit you for using your own samples.. it seems.

    ElGhoulio responds:

    It's not the gain you're talking about; It's the reverb you're talking about. I actually used close to half gain, so there. And listen to it through your headphones- That's how I designed it. When I recorded it, I made it for headphones. I know it sounds like shit out of your computer speakers, but it sounds much better through headphones. And, also, listen to Mayhem's Live in Lillehammer and Ha elm Zalag or Darkthrone's Transylvanian Hunger or Emperor's Wrath Of The Tyrant, and you'll come crying back to the music I made. Yes, it isn't clear, but oh well. What kind of music do you listen to? That will answer a lot of your qualms. And yes, I should've turned down the reverb. Oh well


    Wow, you can play 3 keys on a sine wave sound. Not only that but they're all the same note. Too slow, too monophonic and too repetative

    Lova-Gurl responds:



    A fellow midi user! Few and far between. Nice use of reverb effects there, though i personaly don't fell the staccato bassline about quater of the way in really fitted the rest of the piece, and i heard a few.. missing notes, overquantizing prehaps? To the trained midi ear, i really could tell you recorded at least some of this directly via a midi keyboard, which is impressive on the NGAP, considering 90% of people use fruity loops and 90% of people who use fruityloops dont know how to play an instrument, so you get extra credit, just for that :)

    Now go listen to some of my tunes, review, vote whatever, spread the love ^^

    OsseDragon responds:

    OH MY GOD a review. *girly scream* my vewwy first review..*sniffles* my what a landmark in my puny little life..*treasures it*

    um! yea. the song. :D yea I used this electrical piano.. I'm not really that great of a player..but oh well, I manage..or so I like to think. and. well. I just thought. what the hell..might as well submit some stuff on here.. see if there's any..FEEDBACK! and lo and behold. yea. but I'm rambling away again. *reads it again* yea well this is just a little somethin I made..in.. an hour or so.. cos I was bored.. and I didnt give it much afterthought.. but yea I guess your right about that bassline thing.. yea. imonna shut up now. and I'll defenitly check out your stuff.. :D and thanks for the critique! and score. n stuff. :D

    I maek musics.

    Mark Jefferis @Khuskan

    Age 35, Male


    Sussex University, England


    Joined on 7/17/04

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